Last edited time
Jan 24, 2024 1:21 PM
Welcome to our workshop - we are happy to have you here!
In this page you will find information and material we showed during the workshop. Slides will be made available after the event, so don’t worry too much about taking notes.
Do you need access to the material we showed during the workshop? Follow the links and help yourself!
- Round of introductions
- Core ML Concepts
- Lunch Break
- ML in Practice
- Hands-on: Define your ML project
- Closing and feedback
1) Core ML Concepts: slides
Here are the slides of our workshop @November 29, 2023. Please do let us know if you have feedback!
IntroML 29-11-2023.pdf12697.0KB
Practical 💻: Supervised Learning with Teachable Machine!
2) Supervised learning: interactive notebook
You can access a semi-interactive version of the notebook at https://mlcolab.github.io/IntroML.jl/v2023.7.14/supervised_learning.html. You are welcome to interact with the notebook yourself during the workshop, and you are encouraged to do so afterwards!

Practical 💻: Neural Networks with Tensorflow Playground
Let’s build our very own neural network at playground.tensorflow.org.
3) Feedback form: we want your opinion!
We would like to collect helpful feedback from you all and will be shaping our next workshops based on it. Thank you for filling the feedback form!