Day 11.1 Simulators and inference1.1 Simulators and inferenceÁlvaro Tejero-Cantero🎚️Introduction to sbi: simulation & inference 1.2 Practical: from ABC to SBI1.2 Practical: from ABC to SBIÁlvaro Tejero-CanteroNotebook (GitHub)1.3 Invited lecture: SBI in neuroscience1.3 Invited lecture: SBI in neurosciencePedro J. GonçalvesPDF slidesDay 22.1 (Conditional) density estimation2.1 (Conditional) density estimationMichael DeistlerNotebook (GitHub)2.2 Sequential neural posterion estimation explained2.2 Sequential neural posterion estimation explainedMichael DeistlerNotebook (GitHub)2.3 SNLE and SNRE2.3 SNLE and SNREDavid GreenbergNotebook (GitHub)Day 33.1 Benchmarking sbi3.1 Benchmarking sbiJan-Matthis LückmannPDF slides3.2 Introduction to the sbi toolkit3.2 Introduction to the sbi toolkitJan BöltsNotebook (GitHub)3.3 Troubleshooting sbi3.3 Troubleshooting sbiJan BöltsNotebook (GitHub)3.4 Bayesian workflow3.4 Bayesian workflowJan BöltsNotebook (GitHub)Extras (day 3)3.5 Bayesian model comparison3.5 Bayesian model comparisonJan BöltsPDF slides3.6 Bring your own simulator and apply sbi to your problem!3.6 Bring your own simulator and apply sbi to your problem!Participant led!N/A